Choose one general category with an option for a second crossover category

* PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: You are eligible to compete in a MAXIMUM of TWO categories. This INCLUDES different age categories. 

Please use this guide when choosing  your category(ies):
Novice = First time competitor or no previous NPAA placing in Top 5 (women) or Top 3 (men)
Masters =  35+ for women, 40+ for men
Grand Masters =46+  (bikini only)
Open =  MUST be NPAA qualified - top 5 women/top 3 men in an NPAA  novice event in the past 2 years
Junior = physique only  at least 16 and less than 18 years old

NPAA Elite-Pro = must hold an NPAA Elite-Pro card within the past 2 years

NPAA Masters Elite-Pro = must hold a NPAA Masters Elite-Pro card within the past 2 years

IPE Pro - must hold a valid IPE Pro Card

Transformation = transformation category only - men and women 

CROSSOVER:  a second  category.  


Open, Novice, Elite-Pro, Bikini Model competitors are permitted to crossover to Fitness Model

 Open, Novice, or Elite-Pro Bikini Model competitors are permitted to crossover to Masters Bikini Model 

Bikini Models are NOT permitted to crossover into Figure


Open, Novice, Elite-Pro, or Masters Fitness Model competitors are permitted to crossover to Figure

 Open, Novice, Elite-Pro, or Masters Fitness Model competitors are permitted to crossover to Bikini Model

 Open, Novice, or Elite-Pro Fitness Model competitors are permitted to crossover to Masters Fitness Model


Open, Novice, Elite-Pro, or Masters Figure competitors are permitted to crossover to Fitness Model

 Open, Novice, or Elite-Pro Figure competitors are permitted to crossover to Masters Figure

Figure competitors are NOT permitted to crossover into Bikini Model


Men's Physique competitors are permitted to crossover to Men's MASTERS Physique OR  Men's Classic Physique. 

 Men's Physique competitors are NOT permitted to crossover to Men's Bodybuilding.


Men's Classic Physique competitors are permitted to crossover into Men's Bodybuilding  (novice, open or Masters) or Men's Physique (open or Masters)


Masters competitors are permitted to crossover to Novice, Open or Elite-Pro (if eligible)

 Men's Bodybuilders are permitted to crossover to Men's Classic Physique

 Men's Bodybuilders are not permitted to crossover to Men's Physique 


Registration Options

NPAA Memberships provide the following:
Permitted to compete in NPAA and/or NPAA-sanctioned events.
Discounted rates at NPAA and/or NPAA-sanctioned workshops and affiliates.
NPAA email notifications (newsletters, upcoming workshops, opportunities, etc.)
Prices do not include GST.

  • NPAA is proud to have Tim Dardis as the Official NPAA Photographer. Tim has tremendous experience in fitness photography and has featured many athletes in the industry leading to publication in various magazines. Tim provides professional stage packages, which include high resolution images and video, to all NPAA athletes in a timely manner.

    Stage photography and video packages are available online (see below) and at registration for $127.50 + GST.

    Immediately following each contest, the NPAA will provide Tim Dardis a list of athletes that have purchased stage photography and video packages. Athletes will receive emails with instructions how to download their photos and video from the cloud service. Each package will consist of high resolution photos (individual and group comparisons) and high definition video of their categories. All material will be emailed to the address provided by each athlete approximately 2 4 weeks following the contest. No other professional DSLR cameras will be permitted during the events.

    In an effort to respect the commitment associated with creating the stage photo packages, all inquiries regarding receipt of the stage photo packages must be sent to No direct requests are to be sent to Tim Dardis.

I have read, understood, and agree to all terms stated above in the Photography and Video Release Form

NPAA DRUG TESTING WAIVER AND AGREEMENT. By selecting "I agree" - I agree to abide by all of the details outlined in the NPAA Membership agreement. I have read, understood, and agree to all terms included in this document and the Membership Agreement. I also understand there are no refunds after purchase.

RegFox Event Registration Software

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